Our Intuitive Heart

We are in the midst, of what I term, a PAN-EPIC. So much is changing and transforming in our daily lives and to the community of humankind, as the vibration of this planet is lifting through the evolution of human consciousness. We know that by making intelligent, heartfelt choices we can make life more tenable and enjoyable in our personal and global relationships.

If we raise our individual conscious, we affect global consciousness, which by doing so, can help us improve our personal and collective health, bringing a sense of well-being and harmony. By taking  greater responsibility for our day-to-day decisions, actions and behaviours we can powerfully create new happier and healthier life situations.

It is more and more being understood that when it comes to good decision making, our intuition plays a pivotal role.  We now know that intuitive intelligence plays an important role in business decisions and entrepreneurship, learning, medical diagnosis, healing, spiritual growth, overall well-being.  It also plays an important role in social cognition, decision-making and creativity. 

The origin of the word “intuition” is the Latin verb intueri, which means to look inside or to contemplate.

We may come from different cultures, spiritual traditions and backgrounds, but one of the strongest threads that unite humankind has been a universal regard for the Heart.  That it is the source of love, wisdom, intuition and courage. All of us are familiar with the expression “follow your heart,”  or “learn it by heart” and “speak from your heart.” It is as if we have some inner knowing that the Heart is more than a physical organ and that it is importantly, also our Intuitive or Spiritual Heart.  

Our intuitive heart is our inner voice that connects to our soul and to the higher powers; it is a source of wisdom and guidance, communing with a deeper part of ourselves. 

Our intuition helps us to understand ourselves and the world around us. This natural ability brings us more insights about life than years of accumulated knowledge and allows for increased ability to move beyond automatic reactions and perceptions. Our Intuitive Intelligence accesses a deeper source of wisdom, which increases our ability to experience a higher level of discernment, expanded consciousness and happiness.   

When you begin your day, take a moment to connect into this magnificent energy field, that is your intuitive, intelligent Heart.  Breath slowly with ease and focus around the area your heart. Bring into your consciousness a feeling of love, compassion or appreciation for someone or a situation . Hold on to this feeling and allow it to Lock Into your Heart. Then when you are ready, radiate this uplifting feeling out into your energy field, home, community and beyond.  Feel and wonderful connection to all that is.

Remind yourself that ‘I AM LOVE’

 Love and blessings, Elaine x


Monthly Newsletter No. 1 March 2024

