The Transformation Game
"The Game comes out of you. It isn't anyone telling you this or that. It's light, playful and joyful, and at the same time deep and serious. It is a short-cut to the essence of things."
The Transformation Game provides a playful yet substantial approach to self-assessment and transformation. It offers a way of understanding and gracefully transforming the way you play your life. It looks at the kinds of experiences you create, how you react to them, and how you might change your responses to realise your highest potential and achieve your purposes in life.
Through playing The Transformation Game, you can become more aware both of your personal strengths and of the limitations you place on yourself. It is a powerful interactive tool, offering a stimulating, supportive, and informative group setting in which openness, cooperation, and sharing are encouraged. It mirrors your life with accuracy, offering clear feedback and precise insights that can help you:
* Clarify important personal issues.
* Understand patterns of stress and change non-productive habits.
* Uncover, explore, and allow new possibilities in your life.
* Resolve interpersonal conflicts.
* Gain a greater emotional understanding of yourself and others.
* Handle transitions -- health, career, marriage, or relationship changes.
* Incorporate increased relaxation and peace of mind in everyday life.
* Remove blocks to spontaneity, success, and fulfilment.
You begin by choosing an individual Playing Focus. This provides the foundation for your Game. Then you fill your Personal Unconscious Envelope with a set of cards that indicate your strengths (Insights), challenges (Setbacks), and inner qualities (Angels). Your personality marker then embarks on a Life Path, and you receive a red, Physical Level Scorecard. To move from this level requires the awakening of consciousness either through the acquisition of (6) Awareness tokens and (1) Service Token, or the assistance of (3) Angels. Once you have mastered the Physical Level and completed your red Scorecard, you move to the orange Emotional Level, then to the yellow Mental Level, and finally to the purple level, which represents the Spiritual dimension. As you move up through the levels, you are concurrently emptying cards from your Unconscious Envelope, and dealing with Pain. When you reach a point where you are free of Pain, have cleared all the cards from your Envelope, and have completed all four Scorecards, your Game is complete.
There is no need for you to have your own personal board game to play online, as I will discuss and send what you need prior to the game session.
Playing time is approx 3 hours (You will be surprised how fast this time flys!), Playing day is Saturday for 1 on 1, or max 2 players.
For more information on availability and pricing or if you are visiting Ibiza, and wish to play in person, please contact me on the link below.