Monthly Newsletter No. 1 March 2024


Welcome to this created space for wisdom sharing, insights and the common threads that connect us all, as we seek a more joyous, harmonious and holistic way of experiencing life.   

I always felt an affinity to the star Sirius which sits below Orion’s belt in the night sky. It is the brightest star and is thought to be the bringer of illumination. Many moons ago, I published a monthly magazine locally (Sirius in its first incarnation) here in Ibiza where I live. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I felt now was time for its rebirth.   

Collectively, we are at the beginning of our journey through the Age of Aquarius which will last approximately 2,200 years. The Star card in the TAROT shows an array of stars, the brightest of which depicts Sirius, this card also represents the astrological sign of Aquarius. 


When I am in session with clients, I am often surprised by the common threads of similarity that many of you are experiencing in the collective at the same time. You may recognise, have empathy for, or be familiar with a shared experience that I will highlight each month. In doing so, I hope it will be helpful for you to gain insights, find healing and inspiration.  

Death, Bereavement and Grief is the topic for this month as this has been a common thread for many of you. There is no doubt that one day we will leave our bodies and that we all hope to have a ‘good’ death. With those I worked with, some had lost loved ones in the past few months and were struggling to come to terms with loss and others had found ways of healing and acceptance.  We all manage things differently.  

One client needed answers about her a career as she was at a crossroads in her job as a palliative care nurse and was looking for inspiration to move forward. She really loved her work and shared that far from being upsetting, there were moments of laughter and light hearted banter with patients when they were lucid. They would share life stories, especially when they had no close family around them for one reason or another, other times there was no strength or breath for talk, and she just sat with them. There were of course tears and regrets, which she listened to compassionately; many were afraid of passing and others at peace. I shared with her that another client had recently started training as an End-of-Life Doula, while another had recently qualified to do this work. She immediately felt inspired to find an accredited course and did so before we had finished our session.  

Another client had recently lost both parents, a brief time apart. She had barely time to grieve one parent when the other passed away suddenly. She was worried because although she could feel the presence of one parent, she could not feel the presence of the other. I explained that, while we are here on earth, we are Spirit, being Human, in a Body, and when we ‘die’ we go through, what I term, a spiritual car wash, where the barnacles of life experiences are jet washed away to be remembered as our story, and then stored in the Akashic Records* for soul reflection, understanding and compassion. Some souls, hang around for a while and others do not. All life times are stored in the Akashic Record. In something like a holographic resemblance and recording of that life(s). Our Soul contains many ‘images’ of ‘us’ in our various incarnations, which is why some experience déjà vu, or a strong feeling of having met someone before and of having lived another lifetime. (There is quite a bit of well documented research into Reincarnation, and many cultures across the world consider it a normal part of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth).  

Below are three wonderful books about Grief, Regret and Dying if you are interested in reading more about this subject. There are of course, lots more on this subject.  

  • On Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kuber Ross 

  • The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware 

  • The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan 



The Akashic Records are a spiritual concept where there's a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions and intentions that have ever occurred. Some view it as a cosmic or collective consciousness repository, commonly associated with esoteric, metaphysical or spiritual practices. 

Believers in Theosophy and the spiritual movement called Anthroposophy, refer to them as a storage system of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by Theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane.  

Because it is believed that the Akashic Records are encoded vibrationally into the inherent fabric of space, some have likened the mechanism as similar to how holograms are created.  



The Hermit is one of the cycle cards and appears when a difficult phase is coming to an end. The Lantern he holds up illuminates the rocky path that has been climbed. It hasn’t been easy, but now he holds up the light of awareness that a challenging time is almost over. Whatever has happened in your external life, (career, health, relationships, family), the important lesson from this card is to start listening within. To do this, it’s important to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and take time out, preferably alone. Vipassana anyone? Historically Hermits and Vision Questers retreated to caves, high mountains, jungles and deserts, to seek the light within.   

The Hermits message for March: Why would you want to put up with anything superficial in your life? You are looking for a deeper connection in relationships or partnerships and this requires a joint effort. If you are dealing with those who don’t take your opinions or values seriously, maybe it’s time to let go. You can be over sensitive at times, which provokes you into being defensive and withdrawn. This is why it’s important to respect your need for solitude and to listen to your inner voice, so you don’t become overly concerned by others’ opinions. This month do your best to resolve unfinished business, shy away from conflicts, and to look for solutions if you must balance your books financially.  If you are born under the sign of Virgo or have a Virgo Moon or Ascendant, this message might be especially pertinent. 


The pace and complexity of our world is increasing, and year after year we face more personal and social challenges. We hear this all the time from family, friends and media outlets. Life can be overwhelming. More recently we have been bombarded with so many AI generated visuals and information that it is increasingly becoming difficult to differentiate between what is real and what isn’t. I can only imagine what it must be like to be a parent at this time. So much to be concerned about!   

I was at a Systemic Constellations training in London a couple of weeks ago, when someone shared her conversation with an angel investor in technology, specifically AI. He told her he felt that she was sensing around the room, picking up on what was going on in the room through feelings and sensations.  This was true, she was. Sensing is part of her work. He said that although it is accepted that AI will effortlessly store information and hold more cognitive knowledge than the average human being, the one great brick wall for AI developers they have realised, is that they cannot manufacture the human capacity to sense, intuit or have a gut feeling.   

Intuition is an innate ability that all humans possess in one form or another and is the most universal natural ability we possess. Our ability to sense should be recognised as an inherited unlearned gift. We should actively develop our intuition and our sensing abilities by being in tune with our body and feelings. We must learn to TRUST this gift and to develop it, to teach the future generations. It will help us to distinguish fact from fiction, human or AI?  

*The origin of the word “intuition” is the Latin verb intueri, which is usually translated as to look inside or to contemplate.  

How do you develop your intuition and sensing abilities?   

  • A good start pointing point is to begin a meditation practice.   

  • Start with 10 minutes a day if you can. 

  • See it as essential, rather than something I wish I could do.   

  • Set a goal; 21 days is usually an effective way to start your practice, because over 21 days the mind begins to learn that it is not your master, but your servant.   

  • Download a meditation app or go to YouTube or Spotify to listen to someone take you through a guided meditation if that helps.  

  • After a while, you might enjoy just being in Silence.   

  • Sit quietly and tell your mind to rest, rest, rest. (Your mind will wander all over the place, but that is OK. It does take time and commitment).   

  • One of my favourite things to do when contemplating, is to do some Heart-focused breathing. I am love, breathing in and happiness is my purpose, breathing out.   

  • Sense into your body.  Are you cold or warm, aching, is a part of my body feeling calmer than other areas. What are you feeling? Speak to your body and ask what it needs.   

  • Are you listening? Because the universe wants to talk to you.  

“All prosperity begins in the mind and is dependant only upon the full use of our creative imagination.” 

Ruth Ross, Prospering Woman 


This month’s featured card is from the anthropologist, shaman and psychotherapist Steven Farmers Oracle Deck, EARTH MAGIC, and the card that came from the shuffle is:


As you study this card, you can see the new moon coming up over the horizon beyond the cave. The fire is warming this place of refuge and safety, as the figure paints from the hues provided from Mother Earth. Here in this quiet space, he can express his creative spirit, away from the cares of daily life. This card is showing us how important it is to find space and to get away from it all to birth new creations. Ritual is observed here, by lighting the fire and by mixing colours. There is a sacredness in preparing to birth creativity. He is in the process of drawing a spiral, one of the most ancient and blessed symbols here on earth. It reflects the spiral of life, death, and rebirth, which is not only a human experience, but which is replicated throughout nature.   

The message of this card is to find a quiet place, in nature, if possible, where you can reflect, dream, and create. Here is where you can open to the inner sanctuary that is always available to you. In today’s busy world it is becoming more critical to set aside time for sanctuary, even if you must schedule it in!  


New moon in Pisces 10th March: Dreamy, sensitive, a time of glamour, fantasy and imagining. Keep a grip on reality though! If fashion, photography, film or working intuitively is your thing, this is a good time to launch something new and surprising.

20/21ST March Spring Equinox: A time for renewal and birthing the new. Traditional associated with the pagan festival, Ostara (renamed Easter by the church), is a time to celebrate the arrival of spring and to take part in rituals of fertility and the awakening of Nature. It is the time when the Sun moves from the sign of Pisces and into Aries.

Full Moon in Libra 25th March (Worm Moon): Expect sparks to fly as sudden attractions bring passionate encounters. This moon, however, does bring the ability to see life from another’s perspective and be understanding. Libra is the sign of justice and the diplomat; you can self-protect and be kind at the same time.


Monthly Newsletter No. 2 April 2024


Our Intuitive Heart